[VIDEO] Active Target for Winter Goldeyes

[VIDEO] Active Target for Winter Goldeyes

It was one of those days where I didn’t feel like fishing on Lake Winnipeg due to the weather. The Red River is usually the safer option due to the distance from the shore.

I was mostly looking to target walleye, catfish or carp but when that was not working, I turned to the goldeyes up in the water column. Goldeyes are not necessarily the most prestigious fish but they are typically willing biters at all times. They are excellent table fare or bait for catfish and pike.

Having live sonar made it much easier to intercept them high in the water column. Back when we had flashers, we only had a split second to intercept a high goldeye which makes it difficult to work them. On the video you can see some of the behavior the goldeyes on the screen.

Hopefully I can find a second GoPro someday so that I can get stable footage of the Active Target screen next time. Trying to zoom in to get footage can be pretty annoying as well.