Upcoming Fishing Drama: Negative Positive Angler

Upcoming Fishing Drama: Negative Positive Angler

I wanted to talk about something that I found out recently. This is good kind of fishing drama, not the ones about lead weights in tournaments or controversial forward facing sonar bans.

Negative Positive Angler is an anime original series that will be airing on October 3, 2024. It is about a broke college student with terminal cancer who is rescued by anglers after falling into the sea. He then finds enjoyment in fishing himself with his new friends. It is said to be a very emotional tear-inducing story.

Here is the latest trailer. You may need to enable subtitles as it is in Japanese.

Personal Thoughts

I will say that the trailer does look pretty fantastic. As there is no source material for this story, we have no idea how it will turn out until it airs. Though it’s always nice when there are dramas about your favorite hobbies. I expect that it shows a side of fishing that most non-anglers do not understand fully. For those who fish, we know how much effort goes into catching a fish, whether it’s mentally, physically or financially. A lot of non-anglers are going to get exposure to the reality of fishing from this.

For me, I naturally watch a lot of anime so I am pretty ecstatic for this. I will say most people in the fishing community do not watch anime which is kind of expected as there’s basically no overlap between the two communities. It is a bit hard to get used to watching foreign media with subtitles plus special kinds of streaming services (e.g. Crunchyroll) are required.

However whether you will watch it or not, it’s great that our sport is being shown in a good light to the general public. As a piano player myself, I recall back when Your Lie in April, a piano drama, aired. There was a strong interest in piano and classical music that followed. There really isn’t a whole lot of media regarding fishing so this is a pretty welcome development.

Final Words

As this show has yet to air, there is a developing story. We’ll find out more as soon as it airs and we’ll see if it is any good. I’ll be watching it and perhaps I’ll provide some reviews on it in the future.

Tight lines.

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